Saturday, July 12, 2008

Roller Coaster Ride

About June and July ... we've been up, down, and all around. Design school is almost done, the pink house (see exact color) looks great in my head and hopefully will translate well into the final project on July 29th. Finding fabrics with this color was difficult to say the least, but the challenge was interesting and hilarious for me. I enjoyed creating the client who would want me to do their house in pink. She is basically Bella in 30 years, if Bella became a practicing lawyer. Hey, it could happen.

Trevor is on his second to last class. We will most likely have a party for his graduation in December when he actually walks. His summer activities include one day trips to Vegas with his great friends, the Larson boys. No money was won but they had a wonderful time.

My company's summer picnic was at the Santa Monica Pier which Trevor and I had never been to before. All the rides and food places were open only for us for most of the day. It was so hot that day. There was no breeze, so I went on every ride just to feel the wind. A trivia fact about Trevor, now that he is older, he does not like rides nearly as much as he used to. He did not ride one while we were there. Despite riding rides sans my husband, we had a great day.

Those are the ups of the roller coaster ride.

The down of this ride has been that my parents are moving to Chicago. It is an up too, since the reason they are moving is my dad was promoted to the job of his dreams and will be doing exactly what he's wanted to do for years. We are so proud of him and all that he has worked for. We are completely mixed with happiness, sadness and fearing the unknown of them being so far away. They will be selling their more-then-perfect house in the next few weeks, a place were we've built many many memories. More to come on this topic, but still in shock a little bit.